To make your payments, please go to our direct payment website at . This website has been specifically designed to allow you the convenience of making your payments online and accessing your account information. On your first visit to the website, you will need to register. Simply click on the “Register” button and complete the information required. Once your registration request is reviewed and validated by Balanced Bookkeeping & CAM, you will receive an email with a link to set your password. You can then log in with your email address and new password to make payments and access information about your community. There is a 3.4% convenience fee for credit/ debit card payments, but there is no fee for e-check payments. This website also allows you to set up automatic recurring payments. To setup your recurring payments, log into your account and then click the Pay Assessments Link. On the Pay Assessments page, you can choose to set up your recurring payments for e-checks or credit card by clicking on the New Recurring E-check or New Recurring Credit Card link.
Any questions, please contact Kelly with Balanced Bookkeeping at 719-593-9811.